Friday, March 20, 2009

Because Facebook, Twitter and Myspace don't waste enough of my time...

I'm blogging...

Just another something to suck the minutes of my day away...with the hope that I might possibly inspire someone with my literary wit and exagerated day to day experiences...

So what do I write about? I'm going to start with something that I care about.

Tuesday I participated in a rally to raise awareness about the atrocities that are happening in Darfur. Truth be told I was quite ignorant on the subject until a good friend of mine, Ari, started working for an organization called Jewish World Watch ( The organization was founded by an amazing man named Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis. After the holocaust, the Jewish people said "never again." Rabbi Schulweis lives those words as he combats genocide throughout the world.

Some may ask what does holding signs on Wilshire Blvd. during rush hour accomplish? I realize that I am not physically saving lives with my "Honk for Darfur" posterboard; however, I truly believe that passion is palpable. When you care for something and take action in hopes to create change, that energy goes into the ether and something transitions within your being. You carry yourself in a different way. Your interactions with other people, strangers even, are affected. When you realize that we are all connected you treat people differently. You smile at the barista at Starbucks, say thank you and truly mean it. The world takes notice. Trust me.

Yesterday morning my sister gave birth to her second child, Lee Summers Faust. I am excited to see what changes she will make in the world...


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